This is a post about grief, skip it if that will be triggering for you. I decided that I might want to record some vlogs in my home office- it’s a really terrible space for recording video and audio. BUT it’s the space I have. So I looked at the clutter of the really cool … Read more

Self Censoring

I have decided that instead of using a standard bell for bleeping myself when I swear that I will use a fart noise. This may lose me even more subscribers but will make me laugh. I have already downloaded a half dozen different fart noises.

Conspiracy theory

Not really. Butttt I swear the world is conspiring against me from finishing videos. I shot 2 studio philosophy videos before work today. The light in my studio is nice and even. Anyway. One is pretty fun but I did several takes that I’m stitching together into something extra. But the initial scene where I … Read more

Make it Mine a day late

I shot the latest Make it Mine on my wife’s old iPh0ne. It did a great job.nice clear image and good audio. Buttttttt it was hellish to load it from the phone or creative cloud. I had to babysit the phone and keep it open and unlocked for it to complete the upload. It … Read more


I was able to get those VLOGS loaded yesterday and today. It’s been weird to set up a new computer and use it to do some stuff but not other stuff. I’m trying to keep it for making videos and processing images as well as for loading videos up, but it’s pretty much easier to … Read more


I am loading a vlog to YouTube now, it will be live as soon as it is done loading. Tomorrow I am loading 2 vlogs. I had hoped to get them loaded when I was in Maine but one time for recording audio was sparse. It took some work to figure out how to get … Read more

New to Me

I’ve received hand-me-downs for most of my life. Perhaps that has influenced my deep need and desire to repair and reuse the tings I own. I like to use things until they are no longer usable in their current form and then use them in a new form once they don’t work. More often than … Read more

Cold Weather

Fortunately it is not as horribly cold in DownEast Maine as it has been. We’re toasty warm inside, BUT I forgot my pajama bottoms… Which consist of sweatpants for when I’m here in November. Which means we’ll have to drive out of town tomorrow to get some. Feeling pretty silly. That said I’m hoping to … Read more