Three Years of Avoidance

Up until recently I’ve been really careful to avoid places where I could be exposed to COVID. I work with kids so there is a huge chance of catching it from them- they don’t know what they don’t know and often feel fine right up until they don’t. Sometimes coworkers come into work sick because … Read more

Being Supported by Viewers

A few of my YouTube viewers have supported the channel through purchases via my Amazon wishlist and cash donations. It’s wild to me that my old videos made such an impact. And I appreciate it so very much. I’ve had a few people reach out and let me know that they can’t support in a … Read more

Make it Mine a day late

I shot the latest Make it Mine on my wife’s old iPh0ne. It did a great job.nice clear image and good audio. Buttttttt it was hellish to load it from the phone or creative cloud. I had to babysit the phone and keep it open and unlocked for it to complete the upload. It … Read more


I was able to get those VLOGS loaded yesterday and today. It’s been weird to set up a new computer and use it to do some stuff but not other stuff. I’m trying to keep it for making videos and processing images as well as for loading videos up, but it’s pretty much easier to … Read more

Vlog 006 Why I left YouTube 10 years ago

I explore and answer a few questions about why I left youtube 10 years ago. I also talk a bit about what I hope to do with the channel now that I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. The VLOG should be live now that you are seeing this post. As usual, I set it to go live at 3:33am … Read more

Vlog 002 A Walk for Lunch

A walk for lunch. It’s a bit lurchy- I stuffed my cell phone in the front pocket of my flannel and walked to get my lunch. If you are ever in Lynn, Mass; go to One Mighty Mill, not only are their breakfast sandwiches awesome they make these griddled fajitas for lunch that are AMAZING. … Read more