Running TO Something

One of the best pieces of career advice I’ve ever gotten is, “Never run away from something, run TO something.” Which is a great idea in theory. It’s great unless you are working for a bigot who says nasty stuff to you. Or a coworker is doing the same. Sometimes you’ve got to cut your losses and run.

That said, when I accepted my current position I almost told them no. During the offer the woman who was my boss said something that set my teeth on edge and was insulting. I accepted because I wanted this job (seriously, I had heard of this org and wanted to work there) I seriously hoped I’d be retiring from here.

But I’ve been not so quietly looking. If you follow my instagram you probably aren’t surprised due to the number of toxic workplace memes I was sharing.

But I put the brakes on that search this weekend.


Instability and stability. Also fucking tangerine mussolini.

If I leave now what happens in 6 months if I am at a newer smaller org? Or in 6 months at a big corporation? I’d be number one in line for layoffs. My mom is set to have heart surgery again in the next 6 months to 2 years. (did you know that replacement heart valves have a life span on them? 10 to 12 years. Hers is at 12.) I want to be able to take 4 weeks off to go take care of her if and when she has that surgery. I’m not eligible for it at a new workplace for a year. (Though I doubt any work place would begrudge me the time.)



Our summer schedules were just released. I’m going to be able to take ALL OF AUGUST off. Very European. I’m hooked on a 2 week vacation and all of August seems decadent and amazing.

I’m applying for an artist residency for August. In fact I’m applying for a bunch of them. Even if I don’t get one I’m writing a grant to do it out of my house or to get a studio space. Or do a residency from my bike.

I can’t think of another place where I’d make my current salary and have the flexibility to take all of August off. Other than teaching. But that wouldn’t be at my current salary.

I did a pro and con conversation with my wife this weekend where we talked about the bad stuff about this place- the toxic memes are based in reality. I weighed them against the good. It’s about even.

Flexible schedule, great kids, making art as part of my job, buying art supplies for my job and getting to use them, access to working presses, able to pursue some of my outside interests as part of my job, August, August, August, August, and more I’m not thinking of.

One asshole coworker, several bad communicators, several people who blame everything they do wrong on not being good at it and just doesn’t try, general disorganization, many meetings that are useless, several events that are badly organized due to the bad communication, lack of accountability, tiktok activists, bosses trashing fellow employees loudly to other bosses, and likely more that I’m not thinking of.

Overall, the bad and good are about even in my book. Every now and then the bad flairs up worse than at other times. But most of the time I put my head down and do my work and mostly if I avoid the asshole coworker it’s all pretty decent.

For those of you who I owe letters or haven’t done a great job at returning emails, I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot on my plate between the difficulties at work, trying to revive my youtube channel, getting my health in check, and dealing with the other challenges of my life as it is currently.  All I can say is that I hope I am abel to find more balance in this life and keep my health in check. Pretty much everything has taken a backseat to my health in the last 2 years. It’s been a good thing- I discovered long distance cycling and gravel biking and love it so much. Now I just need to combine that with art making and I’ll be super happy!


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